
Thursday 27 March 2014


Afternoon all, my goodness what strange weather we are having today, sun, rain and hailstorms! It turned cold yesterday but the temperatures are supposed to double at the weekend although I don't think we are going to get sun to go with it!
I'm a bit late with this week's LIM challenge which is as follows:

Our recipe this week has two parts!
Firstly we'd like to see 
of something on your cards 
We'd like you to visit and comment on three other participants, hopefully ones you haven't visited before!

Dom has managed to fix the gremlins in my computer which was making it freeze every couple of minutes, so frustrating!!! So now I'm able to use all my programmes and play around with Craft Artist and digi stamps. Having said that I've gone for a very simple design, come and see:

I used a die, three different papers and three pearls to create three bows which look a little skewed in the photo but not IRL! The sentiment is an SU one and says Birthday Greetings but the light is not good. Don't the weeks fly by it's Thursday again and that means quiz night:) Only 3 rounds and a picture one and the food is great:)

Jim is doing really well now. He walks without a stick and started back at the gym this week exactly 7 weeks after his hip replacement, a very good result:)

Have a good weekend!


  1. Valerie, your card is beautiful! You are so tempting me with those bows!! What a keeper!!

  2. Loving this card Val, the bows look divine and the matching pearls are the perfect finishing touch.Yes strange weather this week I agree, so cold now too brrr :)hugs Viv (Gay)he he xx

  3. Such a pretty card Val. The bows are fab. - love the colours and patterns.

    Sylvia xx

  4. The bows are lovely, its a fantastic card.

  5. Pretty card Val and love those gorgeous bows


  6. Perfectly simple and very classy Val, a lovely card :D Glad to hear your husband is doing so well, great news :D xx

  7. I love your sweet design, Val, and those awesome bows!! And I'm so happy to hear that Jim has been right on target with his recovery!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Pretty, pretty, pretty!!! Love the bows and the paper you've used.

    Karen x

  9. Simple but very effective - here's hoping we get some good weather soon

  10. fun card, val... those bows are so cute!

  11. Simply gorgeous and love the bows think I might be putting them on my wish list! and isn't it funny the card always looks ok til you take the photo then all the tiny imperfections that you can't see in RL are magnified out of all proportion!x


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