
Monday 24 March 2014

Hippy Chick!

Hi everyone I'm here to show you my new tag for the Q&L challenge over at the Craft Barn. Last week I nearly missed the deadline which is not easy as we are given a fortnight to come up with our creations!

Today we start our sixth Quotes and Lyrics challenge and the two new words are...................................................

Flower and/or Travel
You will need to use either (or both if you wish) of these words in a quote or song lyrics on your sample.

I'm trying to stay with lyrics and  although there are numerous songs with specific flowers mentioned there are not many with just the word flower, but my age is giving me away again, come and see:

I found this Blossom hippy chick on    Lacy sunshine stamps    and using Craft Artist I put her on top of my lyrics and added shadow to make her stand out. I coloured her with PM.s and added a few little paper flowers, some glossy accents and distressed the edges with Spiced Marmalade and Worn Lipstick DI.

This song came out in 1967, sung by Scott McKenzie and I was working in London by the Ritz hotel in my first hairdressing position after finishing college. Exciting times with lots of celebs coming and going:)

Thanks for visiting and maybe you'd like to join in this challenge too.


  1. What an impressive tag. I love the way the girl is superimposed over the lyrics. This is STUNNING, and really clever.

  2. groovy tag, val... love that hippy chick!!

  3. Great tag Val, she certainly is a hippy chick


  4. Those were the days!! Good work with Craft Artist - very effective

  5. Fabulous tag - I remember wearing flowers in my hair!

  6. What a blast from the past! I loved that song and was working in London too at the time near The Savoy! Super tag!

  7. Hmmmm, I started humming this as soon as I saw it!!! lol Great take on the challenge and love your hippy chick.

    Karen x

  8. Fabulous tag Val :D Love the song (can't get it out of my head now) and the way your hippy chick is raised up, great colouring too:D Have you got any pics of that time when you first started your job? How exciting seeing all those celebs, lucky lady :D Hugs Gay xx

  9. Another song I remember well. Its a fantastic tag,love the hippy chick.
    Yvonne x

  10. Boy, I'll bet you could tell some amazing stories, Val! Your tag is fabulous! The cute hippie chick is perfect with those lyrics, which I also remember well and love!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. Wonderful tag and a great song to choose

    Love Chrissie x

  12. What a great song to choose. Love the hippy chick who goes so well with the lyrics!!

  13. Great Tag...Love the hippy chick :) xx

  14. Wow what a great tag Val, super colours too.The cute hippy girl goes with the words so well. I loved that song and it really takes me back to my hairdressing days too. I had a psychedelic coloured silk trouser suit(only for parties) , wish I had taken photo's :) Viv xx

  15. She really is a hippy chick!! and what a really cute tag you made! I remember that song.....or maybe my mother used to sing it to me.... ;-)

  16. Visiting from The Craft Barn - A real favourite of mine. I chose this song too! Great minds huh? Your hippy chick is very cool 'man' :o)

  17. This is fab, remember this song too, those were the days

  18. Cool tag, love reading the background behind your choice.

  19. Excellent the colours and stamp fit the lyrics really well

  20. A gorgeous tag, fabulous image... and, by the way... I love this song. It's in my ears now.

  21. Great "flower power" tag! The colors are perfect for this mod girl!

  22. Great combination of the 2 words! Love that song too!

  23. Lovely tag nearly went with this song myself.


  24. Great to find other CAP2 users, you have done a great job with your Tag! The lyrics are wonderful and always bring a smile to my face :-) xxx

  25. As son as I saw the words on the CB site this song popped into my mind too! Love the tag you have created and the lovely girl with flowers in her hair!

  26. Love your tag Val and your hippy chick is very cool!! xx


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