
Sunday 17 May 2015

Up cycling....

Evening all, just a quick post to show you what I've been busy with this week, along with three more commissions.
We've had the builders in recently and have changed the use of two rooms and the new decor of the spare bedroom did not suit the orange pine furniture that we had so.........



DIY knob holder!

I've also completed the bed, shoe cabinet and mirrors.
I used Annie Sloan paint which covers brilliantly and I've still got a quarter of my original 1 litre tin left! 
Finally I created a scrapbook page of Charlie that I'm going to frame:

Hopefully I'll have some cards to show you soon :0)


  1. Superb "altering" Val - love the finished result.
    Charlie's scrapbook layout is fabulous - he is so adorable!
    Sylvia xx

  2. What a difference the paint has made Val - looks great. Tab scrapbook page of Charlie.

    Karen x

  3. Fantastic make over, they look lovely, straight from a designer shop. Its a super scrapbook page as well.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Your modern undated version is so chic, Val!! I like it much better! And I simply adore the Charlie layout! I'm so tickled that you're going to frame it!! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Darnell

  5. Wow you have been busy - great bit of up-cycling, very smart

  6. Great project, Val - what a difference!
    Thank you so much for the information about the mini album closure! I couldn´t see it clearly on the picture, but now I understand. Thank you! Sorry for not saying thank you immediately - lot of things are going on right now - I´m not very often in front of my computer - it´s gardening season! And I have 3 new raised beds in the garden - so excited about them! Vegetables grow so much better in there!
    Hope, you´re fine! Have a nice evening,
    PS: Love your scrapbook layout!

  7. Charlie looks quite the charmer. Super LO! And I love the transformation you achieved with a little paint.

  8. What a great make-over Val, love the colours too! great scrapbook page of Charlie haven't they grown our 'Charlie's ;) Viv xx

  9. Brill scrapbook page Val - and a fab makeover.
    have a great week. x

  10. Wow fabulous up-cycling, the knobs are so perfect.

    Hugs Diane


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