
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Less is More week 174-Lucky dip

Evening all and I'm back with a card or rather two for this week's challenge over at Less is More:

As it is another 5 Saturday month we have another Lucky Dip Challenge.
Our Guest this month is 
Margaret K 
well known to so many of your for her fabulous cards.
Our challenge for this time's Lucky Dip is to use 

It seemed such a simple challenge but I hate too much choice:) Just think how many stamps we own and then to choose more than one but with no theme to inspire, OMG Chrissie don't do this to me!!!
Anyway having calmed down my first idea is my 2nd card but I'm not that happy with it as the idea in my head didn't seem to translate to the card so I had to resort to my favourite stamp set SU's Everything Eleanor. I was inspired by a card I saw on Rosie's blog ( amazing cards ) using this set and so this is my CASE of it, come and see:

Stamped with SU Soft Suede and Marina Mist and the label and flowers are popped up on foam pads. Sentiment is a WOW one.

The freebie stamp this month from Craft Stamper is from Chocolate Baroque and is Rennie Mackintosh inspired. I have a set of Ali Reeves templates and this one looked perfect for this style and I just sponged some Shabby Shutters DI into the panels and cut out 2 circles popped up to display the stamp coloured with Copics. My first attempt I used a black pen to outline through the template but the finish was too harsh and so I went back to the DI's.

Enjoy your week:)


  1. your cards are gorgeous, val!! thanks so much for the sweet shout out... your CASE is lovely!!

  2. Two pretty cards Val. Love the Everything Eleanor one.....hope this set doesn't wear out!!! The RM rose is really pretty.

    Karen x

  3. These cards are different in style but I wouldn't like to choose between them for that reason - like them both. Interesting use of the SU set (don't think my bird has ever been stamped!!)

  4. These are gorgeous Val, especially the first. I love this set and it looks really pretty used in this collage style. Vicky x

  5. Two beautiful cards, Val. I love the layout and colour combo of blue and brown on the first and the soft inking and pretty roses on the second.x

  6. Two gorgeous cards Val especially the first one. One of my favourite sets too.

  7. Two lovely cards favourite us your first I've live the stamp set and colours


  8. Beautiful cards, love them both. xx

  9. Two beautiful cards, love the way you used the stamp from the magazine.

  10. I know what you mean Val.. too much choice!! These cards are both so pretty and stylish, gorgeous colour combo on the first and love the pop of colour on the flowers for the second.... very 'stained glass window' like :0)
    Jenny x

  11. val these are stunning
    Thanks for joining us this week
    Jen x
    "Less Is More"

  12. Two beautiful cards Val. LOVE the pale brown and blue of your first card ... so soft and feminine. And love the sponged panels on your second card ... more graphic design and your pretty blooms pop off the pale yellow backdrop. Loll xx

  13. Love both of your cards Val
    Margaret x (Guest Designer LIM)

  14. 2 very different and spectacular cards. Love the stamped images.
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  15. Lovely lovely, 2 super cards Val! I too need a little push deciding what to make but both your cards fit the bill beautifully!! Have a wonderful weekend, not long now :D x

  16. Val these are fab, love the way you used the freebie stamp
    Thank you for joining us this week at Less is More
    Anne LIM Designer

  17. As terrific as ever Val, I just love that first one, the colours are pure bliss!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  18. You ended up choosing wisely, Val! Both of these cards are sensational in every way!! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Darnell

  19. Two beautiful cards Val,great stamping as always.Enjoy your weekend :) hugs Viv xx

  20. Your first card is just stunning with the lovely blue flowers backed by the brown and lyour wonderful heart!

  21. The second card is so elegant with the great embossed and distressed template edges for your really beautiful image. I think I have that image and am going in search for it!!


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