
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Make My Monday-bingo

Hi everyone I wanted to join in the fun again at MMM with their bingo challenge but although I'm reasonably happy with my card trying to get a decent photo was a nightmare! I used pearlescent cardstock and DI but the colours came out really weird in the photo, come and see!

This first one is a better photo but doesn't reflect the colour

This is a better colour shot but looks as if it's floating as I put the card on it's side and then fiddled with it in picasa!

Anyway I used the diagonal line of Flowers, dry embossing and Distressing.
The EF is by Darice, the stamps are from The Stampman inked in gold and coloured with PM's and the ribbon is seam binding. The DI is Milled Lavender.

Thanks for taking the time to visit, see you soon:)


  1. those tiny flower 'pictures' are lovely and look so good against the ribbon and bow. Photos can be so difficult at this time of year, I have taken to scanning my cards but still can't get a good image. Roll on spring.

  2. Beautiful composition and the idea of the images presented in this way is so different (and versatile - snowflakes would look lovely - sorry, I still appear to be in Christmas mode lol).
    Gorgeous .... as always.

  3. So beautiful, Val! Elegant and beautifully done x

  4. Val, your floral squares on the ribbon tail with bow remind me of a lovely wall hanging, and your embossed background is gorgeous!

    If I don't get the chance to stop by again...I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas! Charlie's first, so it should be exciting, and one to remember! xx

  5. I think this is just gorgeous, Val! LOVE the beautiful floral images you used! So sorry you had trouble getting good photos of it! I hate when that happens... Thanks for joining us at MMM! I hope you come and join me at Technique Tuesday for our Faux Tile challenge this month, too! Happy holidays! :)

  6. Such a pretty card - this is a terrible time of year for taking photographs!! I must say I usually scan mine for blogs. Happy Christmas in case I'm not in touch again in the next few days.

  7. Lovely card Val those tiny images placed on the ribbon look great.
    Its do difficult taking photos at the moments as its dark and miserable...
    Wishing you and you family a Very Happy Christmas and enjoy your time with Charlie...


  8. This is very pretty too - love those bright tiles. Vicky x

  9. This is a fab card Val, love that embossing and the pretty flowers.So hard to get a decent photo atm. isn't it, I am struggling with that too.So glad you are back in your craft room now also. Wishing you & your family a very Happy Christmas too & thanks for all the lovely comments throughout the year :) hugs Viv xx

  10. Oops forgot to say I loved Charlie's little elf dance too he he :) Viv xx

  11. Beautiful card Valerie:0) I just wanted to thank you form yopur lovely message and wish you a very Happy Christmas , big hugs Gay xx

  12. I love triptych style cards and this is no exception!

  13. Hi Val, this is such a lovely card, love the dry embossing and the lovely images. Thank you for joining us at MMM.
    Best wishes for 2013 :)
    Suzi B xx


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