
Sunday 20 March 2011

Less is More Masculine

MASCULINE? OMG what next!!! I'm absolutely staggered every week, not only by the standard of entries to Less is More challenges but by the speed that they are posted! There am I, having a cup of tea with James Martin, and some crafters have been up for hours and already have their entries displayed :)))
Well after some head scratching I came up with the following card but as I was about to post it I decided I wasn't sure about the angle. So I did the same again with a variation on the embellishment and I'd appreciate some feedback please :)
The stamps are from Stamp Addicts and inked with black Brilliance. Both embellishments are embossed.
Thanks for looking :)  
p.s in answer to Chrissie's query I masked the head so that the music was behind.


  1. Hi Valerie,
    I think I like the one on the right best... I tend to agree with you that the straight orientation is better in this case!
    Did you mask Mr Mozart's head?
    I love those stamps, I think they would be very popular amongst my choir members!
    Super cards
    "Less is More"

  2. What fabulous stamps! I think I prefer the straight version rather than angled, not sure why! Think it just suits him and the stamped musical staves and piano keys. I like them a lot!

  3. Fab cards! I think the combination of stamps and embellies works really well.
    I prefer the straight one too... for me it's just a little easier on the eye (if that makes sense!).
    Caroline xxx

  4. Straight version for me as well, it certainly makes a very classy card. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Two fab cards, the one with the keyboard would be my favourite.

  6. Two great cards Valerie, and yes think the second one works better - more 'orderly'. xx

  7. Super cards, I like the second one best with the keyboard - but they are both good

  8. I like the straight version, but I also prefer the violin. Guess you'll just have to make me another one just for me. Smile

  9. Straight music and the piano keys is the business for me though they are both fab guy cards


  10. I really like the straight one, but I love the touch of color that the violin brings!

  11. I like the one on the right the most too. :o)

    LOL - totally know what you mean about just having a coffee and the next thing there's a 100 entries. :o)

  12. These are great cards, I prefer the straight one, those piano keys are fab. Jo x

  13. Brill male card, the piano keys do it for me. x

  14. Great card, I also prefer the straight version. I know what you mean about all the entries appearing, pressure or what??? I just can't stop making them this week for some reason lol......think I have'Lessismoreism'and there is no cure either!! :O) Viv xx

  15. Straight one for me Val!!! Like the keyboard on it but the violin is good as well.

  16. Val, had to comment on your comment, as I served my hubby corned beef in a can for his first meal. My reason was different though...we couldn't afford anything else. Incidentally, it's pretty horrid stuff compared to the real deal.

  17. Very classy for a musical man! I prefer the straight one too but only because I think I want the sentiment to be straight.

  18. Along with the others I must say I like the straight version best, but they are both very classy, and as a musician I'd be delighted to receive either of them. Lynne x

  19. Wonderful cards
    Hug Sylvie x

  20. A cuppa with James Martin - sounds good Lol!! I'm sorry I didn't comment last week - short of time but I prefer the straight version particularly on a tall card but I would say the angled one would probably work OK on a square card.

  21. Love them both, but then I love anything that is well placed and artistic too!


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