I received this fabulous award from Stamps and Paper so thank you very much Anne! As with most awards comes a mini challenge so here are the rules!
Step 1 - Make a post linking back to the person who gave you the award!
Step 2 - Share 7 random things about yourself
Step 3 – Award 7 recently discovered bloggers with this award
Step 4 – Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won the award
7 random things about me...
1. I sing every week with Rock Choir, Hampstead.
2. I retired last year and am loving it!
3. I'm addicted to my blog and all forms of card making!
4. Love going to the theatre.
5. Serendipity Dragonfly is my sister!!
6. I'm a hairdresser!
7. I go to Aquafit 3 times a week
Please have a look at these recent blogs that I have come across and have a look at their lovely work:
Thank you for counting my blog as a "stylish" blog. I am thrilled you find inspiration here and honoured to be mentioned.
Heather T (bits and pieces)
Thank you Valerie. I'm also flattered that you consider my blog to be stylish. Will now have to think of some interesting factoids about myself, ....mmm could be difficult.
Hi Val - thanks for linking my blog here. By the way, couldn't resist the cat!!! lol
Thanks so much for the shout out, Valarie! So glad you find my blog stylish!
Hi Valerie, thankyou for the award, glad you like my blog. Will have to get my thinking cap on.
Hi Valerie, thank you very much for the Award. Very pleased you like my little blog. Just off to check out the other blogs you gave the Award to.
Hugs, Sandra x
Thank you for the award! So glad you find my blog stylish!
Hi Valerie
Congrats on your award ...i have one for you on my Blog ....
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